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Green Project in the news
Green Project Technologies, an accessible, audit-grade carbon accounting platform, is collaborating with Microsoft to bring a unique and powerful carbon accounting offering to Microsoft AppSource. Small and medium-sized businesses interested in understanding, reporting, and improving their emissions performance can now utilize Green Project's SaaS technology as an independent software vendor on Microsoft Azure.
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Green Project Technologies has partnered with Microsoft to offer small and medium-sized businesses a unique and powerful carbon accounting solution. The aim is to help these businesses understand, report, and improve their emissions performance. Green Project’s SaaS technology is now available as an independent software vendor on Microsoft Azure.
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Green Project Technologies, an accessible, audit-grade carbon accounting platform, is collaborating with Microsoft to bring a unique and powerful carbon accounting offering to Microsoft AppSource. Small and medium-sized businesses interested in understanding, reporting, and improving their emissions performance can now utilize Green Project’s SaaS technology as an independent software vendor on Microsoft Azure.
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Green Project Technologies, an accessible, audit-grade carbon accounting platform, is collaborating with Microsoft to bring a unique and powerful carbon accounting offering to Microsoft AppSource.
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